Scienjoy” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ SJ at, a leading live excitement portable spilling stage in China, today announced a critical partnership with Fujian Chuanzheng Telecommunications College (“Fujian Chuanzheng”) and Hangzhou Liyumen Innovation Enhancement Ltd. (“Liyumen”) to create a broadcaster training framework for live stream entertainment and e-commerce. This ground-breaking company will strengthen Scienjoy’s broadcaster innovation pipeline, assist in standardising and developing the live stream capacity market, and add to overall business in China.
This company would use the points of view of all three groups to build a brand-new capability improvement pipeline that brings together academic and business leaders. The company will make use of Fujian Chuanzheng’s instructive experience and vast pool of gifted understudies. Liyumen, a prominent multi-channel organisation (MCN), will play a significant role in broadcaster preparation. Scienjoy will use its years of industry-leading experience in live streaming to provide substantial assistance in areas such as workforce development, instructional modules planning, hands-on understudy internships, and access to the most current breakthrough.
With China’s ever-expanding online economy, e-commerce and customers are more inextricably linked than ever before. On July 6, 2020, the Service of Human Properties and Unemployment Benefits of China NASDAQ SJ, the State Organization for Advertise Control of China, and the National Bureau of Measurements of China knowledgably approved “Web Advertiser” as a new calling. According to the “2020 Spring White Paper on Live Gushing Industry Gifts” distributed by online journalism provider and e-commerce site Taobao’s official positioned gain, demand for capacity to occupy key roles in the live spilling characteristic peak 3.6 times from H1 2019.
Scienjoy, China’s leading live streaming point,
It has increased investment in skill training as part of its strategy to create a “Live Gushing Full Environment.” According to the process, which was announced in December 2020, NASDAQ SJ is developing a biological device that connects amusement, e-commerce, and multi-channel networks (MCNs). The two columns of Scienjoy’s live stream biological device substance are e-commerce and entertainment, while MCNs, which manage broadcaster preparation and the substance pipeline, are the platform’s primary engine for potential growth.
“Scenjoy sees this and potential collaborations with specialised preparing teach as critical steps to ensuring continued business growth and procuring the best live gushing capacity,” said Victor He, NASDAQ SJ chairman and chief executive officer. “By grooming the next generation of broadcasters, we want to not only attract the best talent to Scienjoy, but also add respect to the whole industry.” Educating prospective broadcasters on best practises and how to employ unused technology would help advance the standardisation and sound improvement of the entire industry.” There are many other stocks like nasdaq enph which you can buy from